Diversity or disparity? Early childhood education and care in Canada
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America's children 2003
The state of data on early childhood education and care in Canada
The state of data on early childhood education and care in Canada: National Data Project final report
Executive summary
SECTION I Introduction
SECTION II Analyzing Canada's need for ECEC data, TABLE 1 Proposed indicators
SECTION III An overview of ECEC data: Canada and other countries
SECTION IV Administrative ECEC data currently collected by provinces/territories, TABLE 2 Child care data currently collected, 2000, TABLE 3 Kindergarten data currently collected
SECTION V Conclusions and recommendations.
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Early childhood education and care in Canada 2001
Early childhood education and care in Canada 2001
The Childcare Resource and Research Unit has periodically assembled pan-Canadian data to produce a national snapshot of child care and early childhood education. The fifth edition of Early childhood education and care in Canada presents 2001 data. Together with 1992, 1995 and 1998 data compiled for earlier editions, these data reveal several trends in ECEC over the decade.