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Equality project

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Broadbent Institute
Publication Date: 
31 Mar 2012


Executive Summary - Why this poll?

Canadians take pride in our history of building a nation that values fairness and equality. However, these essential Canadian values are threatened by the growing gap between the rich and the rest of us.

As part of our Equality Project, the Broadbent Institute commissioned a poll by Environics Research to survey Canadians' attitudes toward income inequality.

Findings show that over three-quarters of Canadians (77%) deem income inequality a serious problem and they are ready to find and take part in solutions. Individuals from all walks of life indicate they are willing to do their part through fair and equitable taxation to protect our public programs, but they want corporations to do their part too.

Moreover, they're asking their governments to take responsibility and make income inequality a priority.
The Broadbent Institute concludes that any government or political party that prioritizes the tackling of income inequality will not only reflect current public opinion, they will garner Canadians' support because they will finally be addressing an issue that represents a fundamental Canadian value: equality.

Related Links:

Canadians open to tax hikes to create more equal society, poll finds

Broadbent poll uncovers public desire to close inequality gap
