Inuit early learning and child care framework [1]
Government of Canada
government document
Publication Date:
16 Sep 2018
Inuit propose the following goals and principles to guide the creation of an Inuit ELCC system:
- An Inuit ELCC system that is grounded in Inuktut and Inuit culture.
- Inuit have self-determination in the development, design, and delivery of programs and services for Inuit children and families.
- ELCC programs that are high quality and are defined by Inuit; created by Inuit; rooted in Inuit culture, traditions and values; and are provided in Inuktut (the Inuit language).
- Flexible Inuit ELCC programming that is adaptable and respectful of regional and community diversity.
- Program design and planning that is inclusive of collaboration amongst Inuit and government stakeholders, and supports the best interests of Inuit children and families.
- Affordable Inuit ELCC programming that is available in all Inuit regions and communities, recognizing the high cost of living in remote and northern locations.
- All Inuit children and families have access to holistic ELCC programming (programs support families, and barriers to access are reduced), regardless of location or cost.
Canada [4]