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United Nations Special Session on Children

Ten years after the World Summit for Children (1990), eleven years after the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), and following the mid-decade review of the World Declaration and Plan of Action of the World Summit for Children, the General Assembly decided to convene a Special Session on Children in September 2001 in New York (resolution 54/93 of 7 December 1999). The main objectives of the Session are the following: - Review achievements in the implementation and results of the World Declaration and Plan of Action of the World Summit. This will include a review of the progress made in the lives of children since the 1990 World Summit for Children and the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - Renew commitments and consider future action for children. World leaders will be asked to recommit to finding practical solutions to the problems facing children, and to develop a plan of action for the respect, fulfilment, promotion and protection of children's rights. The Special Session on Children is an unprecedented meeting of the UN General Assembly dedicated to the children and adolescents of the world. It will bring together government leaders and Heads of State, NGOs, children's advocates and young people themselves from 19-21 September, 2001 at the United Nations in New York City. The gathering will present a great opportunity to change the way the world views and treats children.
