
Preschool for all: Investing in a productive and just society -- A statement by the Research and Policy Committee of the Committee for Economic Development

Publication Date: 
Tuesday, February 5, 2002
Committee for Economic Development
Online Document Type: 
Research, policy & practice

Reforming Québec's early childhood care and education: The first five years

Jocelyne Tougas
Occasional paper 17 [EN & FR]
April 2002


In 1997, the Québec government announced its new family policy. The government undertook a massive reorganization of the child care system and transformed it into the early childhood care and education component of the new family policy. The reform was indeed substantial and ambitious and was undertaken at a time when, as in other provinces, the government was trying to reduce its budgetary deficit to zero. As the reform enters its fifth year, the author reviews the first five years and examines the successes, challenges and lessons learned.