Roots of big box child care
What research says about quality in for-profit, non-profit and public child care
Toronto municipal child care’s long history
UK and Ireland top European table of for-profit care providers
Mayor Rob Ford closes doors to public during child care meeting
Towards the marketization of early childhood education and care? Recent developments in Sweden and the United Kingdom
The recession and beyond: Taking stock of evolving government-nonprofit relationships
Governments around the world stand at a crossroads. Faced with an enormous financial burden and new social challenges on the horizon, governments are looking for new institutional solutions that will enable them to do more with less. In many countries, the voluntary sector has become a key pillar in new administrative reforms. Indeed, most governments recognize that the voluntary sector is a critical part of their ability to develop and maintain economic strength and social wellbeing within communities. Yet the kind of supports the sector ultimately receives varies across settings.
This year's conference proposes an opportunity to reflect on the present and possible future roles of the voluntary sector in the face of shifting governmental roles. It is important to pay attention to these dynamics because they have the potential to redefine the relationship between administration and citizens. Comprising international speakers with valuable insight from an academic, practitioner and policy perspective, the conference will allow participants to hear and comment upon the patterns of policy change and continuity in any country.
The broad objectives of the conference are to:
- learn from international experience to date;
- take stock of current trends, policy continuity and change;
- inform the Canadian agenda on social policy reform.