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Finding room at a daycare is becoming a problem for some people in the Yukon community of Watson Lake.
It's even got one couple in the town of 1,200 thinking about leaving for lack of facilities.
RCMP members Callista MacLeod and her husband both transferred into Watson Lake to work at the detachment there.
With her leave coming to an end, MacLeod was expecting to put her children into the Watson Lake Daycare.
But it's full, has a waiting list, and there's no other day care spaces available.
MacLeod says child care should be considered an essential service.
"I think that we need to do everything we can to give people the opportunity to be self-supporting, and one of those things is to have child care available," she says.
MacLeod says she can't stay on leave indefinitely.
She says she and her family will be forced to transfer out of Watson Lake early if they can't find child care.
Deb Hadwin is the facilities manager for the non-profit, Watson Lake daycare society.
She says the shortage of space is also restricting the type of services provided at the daycare centre.
- reprinted from CBC