See text below.
* What is the Minister promising?
To axe the cap on child care places provided by outside school hours and family day care services.
* What does it mean?
Losing the cap will allow the creation of new services and the expansion of existing ones.
* Why has the Federal Government restricted these places, given the shortage of childcare?
Because it has wanted to keep a lid on the child care benefit, paid to all parents whose children attend accredited child care.
* What is outside school hours care?
Child care provided before and after school for parents who have to start work before school begins or who don't knock off until after the lessons finish.
* What is vacation care?
Child care, often in the form of excursions, for pupils whose parents have to work during school holidays.
* Who provides outside school hours and vacation care?
Community and church groups, as well as private operators.
* What is family day care?
Child care provided in a carer's home about 90,000 children use this form of childcare. Numbers are limited to seven children in each home, only four of whom can be under school age.
- reprinted from The Australian