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Green Party leader Elizabeth May continues to demonstrate she can work a crowd.
At the latest all-candidates gathering for Monday's London-North-Centre byelection…May, who's seeking to become the first Green MP, said the Conservative government has gutted funding for women's groups and that must stop.
She also drew strong response when she insisted "child care is a fundamental core value of a society, not a frill" and the Liberals' child-care program was preferable to the $100-a-month cheque from the Conservatives. And she said, abuse of women must stop. "We need to embrace non-violence as a way of life."
Tory Dianne Haskett defended her party's child-care plan and found herself in the minority on several issues. Asked which threat was greater to Canada, global warming or terrorism, Haskett was the only candidate to opt for terrorism.
Liberal Glen Pearson said he's committed to equality for women and pay equity. "It's a human rights issue, it's an equality issue."
New Democrat Megan Walker said she has campaigned for women's issues as a lifelong Londoner and also respects the rights of the gay and lesbian community.
- reprinted from the London Free-Press