Letter to the Editor
National Post
Publication Date:
13 Dec 2006
See text below.
Re: Daycare rebuttal rebutted, letter, Dec. 12
I am tired of so-called child care "experts" telling Canadians that the best thing for our children is a national, institutional, child care plan.
I would like to think that, as a mother, I too am an expert on the care that my child receives. National day care is not the right thing to do for all children and families.
Allana Wilson, Whitby, Ont.
While Ms. Friendly did not author the OECD report urging Canada to build more daycares, she did "engineer" it. A Nov. 8, 2004, article in Maclean's states that "John Bennett, the Paris-based project manager for the OECD review, said he 'relied to a great extent' on that detailed background study written by Canadians, including Martha Friendly, co-ordinator of the University of Toronto's Childcare Resource and Research Unit."
While Ms. Friendly's operation has received hundreds of thousands of tax dollars over the years to convince us of the need for something we don't want, parents who advocate equity for all families do so on our own dime.
Kate Tennier, Toronto
- reprinted from the National Post
Re: Daycare rebuttal rebutted, letter, Dec. 12
I am tired of so-called child care "experts" telling Canadians that the best thing for our children is a national, institutional, child care plan.
I would like to think that, as a mother, I too am an expert on the care that my child receives. National day care is not the right thing to do for all children and families.
Allana Wilson, Whitby, Ont.
While Ms. Friendly did not author the OECD report urging Canada to build more daycares, she did "engineer" it. A Nov. 8, 2004, article in Maclean's states that "John Bennett, the Paris-based project manager for the OECD review, said he 'relied to a great extent' on that detailed background study written by Canadians, including Martha Friendly, co-ordinator of the University of Toronto's Childcare Resource and Research Unit."
While Ms. Friendly's operation has received hundreds of thousands of tax dollars over the years to convince us of the need for something we don't want, parents who advocate equity for all families do so on our own dime.
Kate Tennier, Toronto
- reprinted from the National Post