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Liberal Leader Stephane Dion on Tuesday accused Prime Minister Stephen Harper of copying Liberal ideas - and encouraged him to continue the practice.
"Mr. Harper now is frantically searching for a way to imitate us in all areas," Dion told his MPs during a speech Tuesday morning to the Liberal caucus in Quebec City. "If you want to copy us, we have plenty of ideas."
Dion said the Conservatives simply re-created Liberal programs when they announced new environmental policies last week.
"At last this government is starting to move a little bit; it's only a prelude to what we will do when we take over," Dion said.
He suggested the government did not keep its promise to create a national child care program.
"Why not copy the Dryden plan?" Dion said, referring to the program developed by Liberal MP Ken Dryden when the Liberals were in power. "Call it the Harper plan if you want, but do it!"
- reprinted from CanWest News Service