See text below.
I want to offer my congratulations to Monte Solberg on his appointment to cabinet as the new minister of human resources and social development, with responsibility for child care.
It bodes well for Canada's children that Solberg was the former minister of immigration. Immigrant and refugee children, many of whom come to Waterloo Region, benefit from high-quality child care.
High-quality child care does not supplant parental responsibility, but, rather, supports it. Over the next few weeks as the minister is briefed on his new portfolio, he will learn about the research that demonstrates the critical importance of a child's early years for their lifelong learning, behaviour and health.
I urge the new minister to take the time to develop a comprehensive understanding of what quality child care and family support is and to revisit Prime Minister Stephen Harper's child-care allowance and to develop instead appropriate policies that support all of Canada's children and families.
- Zofia Sonia Worotynec
Child Care Action Network of Waterloo Region