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Child poverty in Canada is a national disgrace that shames us on the world stage and offends our international legal obligations. That was a central message put forward last week by Canadian senators and physicians who are lobbying Ottawa to take the rights and needs of children far more seriously than it has in the past.
In a report called Children: The Silenced Citizens, the Senate human rights committee faulted Ottawa for failing miserably to live up to its obligations to protect the rights and freedoms of children. One of its key recommendations calls for a federal strategy to combat child poverty with clear goals and timetables, including preventive measures for high-risk families and a coherent housing strategy. All are measures the Star has urged in our War On Poverty campaign.
Meanwhile, a Child Health Summit sponsored by a coalition of physicians lobbying to improve health outcomes for children met in Ottawa to discuss how to improve Canada's unacceptably mediocre international ranking on child health.
Both groups' conclusions underline the stark fact that children's rights and health are inextricably linked to poverty, and often are neglected.
In addition to calling on Prime Minister Stephen Harper's Conservative government to address poverty and housing issues directly, the all-party Senate committee urged Ottawa to work with the provinces to establish standards and guidelines for improving early childhood development programs and child care, matched with adequate funding. Child care has fallen off the federal agenda since the Conservatives cancelled a federal-provincial agreement.
- reprinted from the Toronto Star