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Operators of day-care services in Waterloo Region may have to participate in an accreditation program aimed at improving quality of child care to receive regional money.
"We want to develop the highest quality of care for all children," said Mary Parker, regional children's services director.
Since 2004, the region has been involved in a voluntary accreditation program called Raising the Bar, in which operators of child-care facilities get inspected to achieve bronze, silver or gold status in areas of staff development, best practices and quality assurance.
The region has 125 licensed child-care facilities, and so far 75 have applied for accreditation, said program co-ordinator Debbie Jones.
Last year, 66 registered, of which 49 received a gold rating, Jones said. Participating centres display their certificates for parents to view.
To help get full participation, the region is looking into making the program mandatory to get regional subsidies, Parker told regional councillors this week.
The issue could be before council this fall for consideration, Parker said in an interview.
- reprinted from the Record