See text below
Unfortunately, our municipal, provincial and federal governments
are shying away from a much-needed expansion of our child-care sector.
Worse yet, all three levels seem poised to adopt budgets in the coming
weeks that actually cut subsidized child-care spaces, lay off workers
and drive up costs for full-fee parents. That would force some to quit
their jobs rather than pay more for child care than they earn.
Toronto's proposed budget, unveiled last month, would strip
nearly $6 million of funding for rent for 370 school-based daycares.
Child-care advocates predict such a move would drive up costs by $60 to
$80 a month per child. As well, nearly 8,000 subsidized spaces across the province -- and
several thousand child-care sector jobs -- are at risk of disappearing
if neither Ottawa nor Queen's Park allocates $63.5 million for the
spaces in their respective budgets (Ottawa's on Thursday, the
province's later this month).
Troublingly, however, the province maintains the $63.5 million
is Ottawa's problem. "We can't step in every time the federal
government walks away from their responsibilities," says a spokesperson
for Ontario's Children's Minister Laurel Broten.
As well, there are ongoing shortfalls in provincial transfers to
municipalities to operate child care. And there have been no assurances
the provincial government will provide the necessary transition funding
to mitigate problems associated with the introduction of full-day
kindergarten. Little wonder, then, that parents feel they are in the
midst of a perfect storm.
In Ottawa, the Conservatives have shown nothing but disdain for
child care and the transformative effect it can have on families and
our economy. There is little reason to believe that will change.
But surely the more progressive regimes at city hall and Queen's
Park - beset though they are by red ink -- can recognize that need.
What is disheartening about this entire debate over child-care
funding is that it is focused on just maintaining the spaces we already
have -- not on the desperately needed expansion of the system.
... - reprinted from the Toronto Star