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Women's group cuts 'ideological': MPs

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CBC news
Publication Date: 
5 May 2010

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Opposition parties say the Conservative government has recently cut
federal funding to more than a dozen women's groups because the
organizations don't share Prime Minister Stephen Harper's ideology and
dare to criticize his policies.

The Liberals circulated a list on Wednesday of groups that
promote human rights, equality rights and anti-homelessness initiatives
that have lost federal funding within the past two weeks. But the
Conservatives say the groups were "inefficient" and the government is
just making sure taxpayers get their money's worth.

During Wednesday's question period in the House of Commons,
Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff said Harper's government has shown a
pattern of attacking its critics in the wallet. He said the latest
decision raises a bigger issue, which is whether the Conservatives
respect democracy.

"These women have raised their voices and been punished for it
and I think that's absolutely no way to have a relationship," Ignatieff
told the House. "Can the prime minister commit to putting an end to this
intimidation campaign and restore the funding of these groups?"

Replying for the government, Transport Minister John Baird said
the Conservatives have given a "record amount" of funding to support
women's groups and want "less talk and more action" to support and
improve the lives of Canadian girls and women.


Earlier this week, Conservative Senator Nancy Ruth bluntly
advised women's groups to "shut the f--- up" about abortion and the
government's G8 maternal health initiative, saying public criticism was
not the right strategy if they really wanted progress on the issue.

Last week, International Co-operation Minister Bev Oda announced
the federal government would consider funding family planning measures
such as contraception in its G8 initiative, but not abortion under any

Speaking in the House on Wednesday, Oda said Canadians who work
hard want to make sure their tax dollars are "getting results" and
ensure that "mothers and babies stay alive and have a better life."

"This isn't about entitlement to taxpayer dollars," Oda said.
"It's about accountable use.

- reprinted from CBC News
