We almost instituted a national child care program. It was ready to roll when Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe joined with Stephen Harper to defeat the Paul Martin government. Mr. Harper immediately scrapped the program and replaced it with $100 a month for children under the age of six. This system did not allow for the creation of any new child care spaces, nor did it begin to cover the costs of day care for children.
Our nation requires a national, affordable, accessible and flexible child care program for so many reasons that Canadians should consider this when casting their votes.
A national child care program will:
- Ensure survival for many Canadian families that cannot live on one income.
- Provide single parent families opportunities for education and employment.
- Provide access to the workforce for many skilled workers.
And last but not least, early childhood education received through a national child care program will provide our children with the best start.
Please vote and consider helping to create a national child care program.
Joy McCormack, Bracebridge
- reprinted from Cottage Country Now