Re: Boards defend kindergarten space, by Monica Wolfson, Aug. 19.
I am writing in regard to the terminology used in the above noted article to describe early childhood educators.
Your article made the statement that "The province allows school boards to have up to 26 students in full-day kindergarten classes with a teacher and an early childhood worker, up from 20 students with one teacher."
In describing those who work in full-day kindergarten, the Ministry of Education website notes that: Early childhood educators have knowledge of early childhood development, observation and assessment. They bring a focus on age-appropriate program planning that promotes each child's physical, cognitive, language, emotional, social and creative development and well-being.
Over the years, many terms have been used to describe the work of early childhood educators in early learning programs.
However, with the passing of legislation in 2007 recognizing early childhood educators as professionals and instituting a regulatory body responsible for licensure of the profession, it is no longer correct to use casual references such as the one used in your article.
In fact, the education act now stipulates that registered early childhood educators will work alongside certified teachers in the newly implemented fullday kindergarten programs.
Our profession has fought long and hard for this recognition therefore, we ask that you update your terminology guide to recognize ECEs as having unique credentials specializing in the teaching of young children, governed by a comprehensive code of ethics/ standards of practice and answerable to a public regulatory body.
-reprinted from the Windsor Star