It's 9.40 on a warm April morning, the first of the year. Almost everyone in the south London nursery school I'm visiting is outside, but a few children remain indoors, where a group of threeand four-year-olds are peering into a fish tank full of frogspawn and talking keenly to Frances, the practitioner seated with them.
There is great purpose in the children's chat, but that's not what is most striking. It is the sight of Bella, a three-year-old who began to howl when her mum left the room and who is now seated on Frances's lap, embraced but still sobbing, part of the group but not.
Frances rocks Bella and talks to her gently, offering soothing words and including her in the frogspawn chat. It is a skilful balance of care for personal need with talk about nature, involving layers of experience for all the children, from observation of pond life, through the frustration and benefit of hearing other people's ideas, to the effect of being held when you are sad.
It is also a balance under threat, as respected academics Naomi Eisenstadt, Kathy Sylva, Sandra Mathers and Brenda Taggart recently warned in a response to the proposals in More Great Childcare. 'If we increase both qualifications and ratios,' they say, 'children's language and learning will be better supported but we will see an accompanying reduction in the quality of care and individualised provision.'
This potential loss of the capacity to care for children as they need it is of great concern to the people who work with them.
At Lincoln Hall Pre-school in Bow, for example, manager Toni Evans reflects on the reduced staff flexibility that the arrival of newly funded two-year-olds has already created. 'In the early days, two-year-olds need their key person to be around for them as much as possible. But the nursery is a shared space where any child may seek a relationship or support from any adult. The intensity of the early key person relationship with two-year-olds means that these members of staff are less accessible to older children at this time.'
Julie Picken, manager of Sugarbrook Pre-school in Bromsgrove, also worries that the needs of those 'older' children, still only three and four, may be neglected if over-tight ratios result in staff deployed too rigidly in favour of the very youngest. 'Some two-year-olds are confident from the start,' she says, 'while some three-year-olds arrive with very great need.'
It is a sign that practitioner qualifications and adult:child ratios cannot be isolated from other areas of policy, in this case the new entitlement to free provision for two-year-olds in deprived areas. The effect of just this policy on staff relationships with children and on their own capacities is significant, as indicated by Toni Evans's mixed evaluation of its impact on Lincoln Hall, for while she welcomes the deeper relationships enabled by children arriving younger and staying longer, she says it is offset by significant additional pressure for staff.
'I can see on their faces at the end of the day that they're exhausted,' she says. 'I have constant conversations with them about how to cope with balancing the various needs of their key children and others. Reducing the number of staff to children would have further negative consequences on their time to interact and care for the children.'
Julie Picken agrees. 'People may be stressed under the new ratios, and when you have children with emotional needs, you can't have people working with them who are stressed or unhappy.'
Ratios and additional need
Julie Picken has a particular concern for heightened emotions because many of the children attending Sugarbrook Pre-school live in poverty and most have additional needs. Staff and children are supported by regular visits from expert teams but she is insistent on the need for constant, intentional nurturing from staff.
'Our priority is to have a caring environment,' she says. 'We concentrate on giving the children time, which is vital given that many have significant needs.' At Sugarbrook, that time is afforded by minor over-staffing, with room for two to three more children according to statutory adult:child ratios. According to Julie Picken, this is essential for establishing key relationships with parents. 'We are able to have a proper conversation with each parent at the beginning of the year. It's time-consuming and takes key persons away from the children but it would be impossible to manage even on the standard ratios.'
At Little Oaks Day Nursery in Norfolk, manager Emma Maloney does not have extra staff to support children with additional needs and is concerned that there is little consideration in the proposed new ratios for the impact of another area of policymaking: the more austere approach to special needs provision. 'Having more children for each adult would have a massive impact for those with SEN,' she says, 'especially now it's got so much harder to get one-to-one support. We have one child here who would benefit from that, but he wouldn't meet the criteria now.'
She agrees with Julie Picken that children with emotional needs are 'not being thought of' in policymaking. 'We have looked-after children at Little Oaks,' she says. 'They are still searching for attachment, and need to have access to meaningful time with a key person so they can form a bond.'
Toni Evans points to existing practical difficulties for SEN support. 'We generally don't know if children are going to need extra help when they come to us. Children on the autistic spectrum, for instance, have not usually been identified before they come to us. In fact, we are the people who identify early signs of additional need.'
She explains that, as children do not generally have statements of special educational need when they arrive at nursery, any children with emerging difficulties must be supported within the existing staffing structure, and that has consequences for all children. 'A key person who should be providing equal support to the learning and emotional needs of eight children might have no option but to spend much more time with a child with additional needs, to the detriment of others who appear to be coping better.'
-reprinted from Nursery World