Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs
$15 Minimum Wage and Equal Pay for Part-Time and Full-Time Workers Part of Plan to Help People Get Ahead in a Changing Economy
News Release - Office of the Premier
Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne announced yesterday that the minimum wage will be increased over the next 2 years from $11.40 to $15.00/hr by June 2019 along with other measures to ensure decent work for everyone.
Read full news release here
AECEO’s response
When we raise the floor, everyone benefits - this is good news for children and families in Ontario. RECEs and staff can see how precarious and low paid work negatively impacts the families that we serve and the young children that we care for and educate. A raise in the minimum wage to $15/hour and further changes to the Employment Standards Act means healthier families across the province.
What does a $15 min wage mean for RECEs in Ontario?
- A $15 min wage takes us one step closer to Professional Pay for RECEs!
- Taken together with wage enhancement grants the min wage for RECEs working in licensed child care will reach $17/ hour when the new $15 min wage is implemented.
- 24% of RECEs working in licensed child care currently earn less than $15 an hour. This means a wage increase for a whole quarter of RECE professionals working in licensed child care!
- RECEs and staff working in family resource and early years centres who currently make less than $15 an hour and do not receive any wage enhancements will finally get a raise.
- Wages for RECEs cannot continue to be paid through the market (i.e. parent fees) the AECEO will continue to support our RECE professionals through our Professional Pay and Decent Work campaign and to campaign for direct funding to early years and child care programs to pay all RECEs across the sector a professional wage that commensurate with practitioners' education, experience and responsibilities.
Higher wages and better working conditions will improve our workplaces, our communities and our lives, including the lives of our families.
Get the facts: https://assets.nationbuilder.com/decentworknow/legacy_url/81/It-is-Possible-15-Fact-Sheet.pdf?1512016443