As schools and daycares across Nova Scotia shut down to slow the spread of COVID-19, many parents have questions about how it will impact their children.
CBC News has compiled the provincial government's answers to those questions. This will be updated as we receive more information.
Schools across the province will be closed until April 6. Does that mean there's no way for students to continue their schooling?
- The province says education officials are working on e-learning and at-home learning options for all students. Students and families will receive information late next week about these options from their regional centre for education and CSAP.
All regulated child-care centres, which include daycares and family day homes, will also be closed from March 17 up to and including April 3. Will the provincial government compensate daycare owners and operators for this shut down?
- Licensed child-care providers will continue to receive operational grants and subsidies. Early childhood educators will continue to be paid.
- Family home daycares will also continue to receive operational grants and subsidies during the closure.
- Parents will not pay fees during the closure (applies to licensed child care).
- All licensed child-care spaces will be maintained (no one loses their space).
- Smaller operations with six children or fewer of any age or eight children or fewer of school age can continue to operate.
- Smaller providers are encouraged to follow directions related to handwashing, sanitizing and monitoring for any symptoms.
- Unlicensed providers must make individual private arrangements with respect to fees, etc., with their individual families.
What about March Break camps, are they cancelled as well?
- Yes, all March Break camps have been cancelled, including those camps scheduled to run at public schools in Nova Scotia.
Will I still have access to school specialist services during the closure?
- The province says participating schools will continue to have access to SchoolsPlus and parent navigator supports during the closure. Contact information is being sent to parents. Support will be offered remotely.