Re-opening the kindergartens
The kindergartens in Oslo will re-open during the period 20 to 27 April. Each kindergarten will let parents know which day they will be re-opening.
Opening dates will depend on the national guidance for preventing infection, as well as local context such as the buildings and space, staffing and number of children.
Important additional advice
- All children must bring enough food for the whole day
To help the staff during this demanding period, and help limit the risk of infection, no food will be served in the municipal kindergartens during April and May. So the children must bring enough food with them for the whole day.
Private kindergartens may decide themselves if they serve food during this period.
- Reduced opening hours
The Government has advised the kindergartens to consider reducing their opening hours if this is necessary to prevent infections and at the same time have enough staff. In the City of Oslo we recommend that opening times are limited to 8.30-15.00 during the first two weeks. Local adjustments in the City Districts (bydelen) may accur.
- Normal charges will apply
Parents pay the normal charge, even though opening hours are reduced, or if they choose not to send their children to kindergarten. However, the City of Oslo’s regulations for kindergartens does allow for free places for those who are long-term sick with a doctor’s note.
Important for parents to consider when the kindergarten opens
It is important that all children who have respiratory symptoms are kept at home from the kindergarten.