The City of London has launched the application for licensed child-care operators to opt into the $10-a-day child-care funding program.
Child-care operators have until the provincial deadline of Sept. 1 to confirm their intentions to participate.
The program only applies to licensed child-care providers. Unlicensed care is not eligible.
Trevor Fowler, the director of child-care and early years at the City of London, says both center-based and home-based sites can apply as long as they’re licensed.
“We’ve been working with operators… We’ve had conversations (and) focus groups to talk about what operators need to thrive under this new system so families (can) benefit from the increased affordability,” he said.
The application process for operators has opened and the City says they’ll work to review and approve applications.
Once approved, an operator has 60 days to refund families 25 per cent of fees paid retroactive to April 1 for eligible children. The retroactive date means the child doesn’t have to be currently attending child care for families to be eligible for the fee rebate.