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Manitoba to receive $30 million to expand child-care capacity

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Stremick, Drew
Publication Date: 
14 May 2024


Manitoba is going to receive just over $30 million over the next four years to expand child-care capacity in the province.

Around two-thirds, or just over $20 million, will come through 2025-26.

The goal of the investment is to help Manitoba reach a goal of creating 23,000 additional child-care spaces by 2026.

MPs Dan Vandal of St. Boniface – St. Vital and Ben Carr of Winnipeg South Centre said at the announcement that expanding and creating more affordable child-care options would benefit not only families but also the economy as a whole.


The training, hiring and retention of child-care workers and support staff was not part of this investment. Vandal said that type of funding comes from other sources.


The funding for this announcement comes from the government of Canada’s $625-million Early Learning and Child Care Infrastructure Fund, and hopes to help families save an estimated $14,300 on child care each year, per child.
