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Feds looking for funding to help Iqaluit’s Inuktitut daycare

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Federal minister’s staff has been in contact with daycare operators; Idlout expresses optimism
Sarkisian, Arty
Publication Date: 
18 Jun 2024


The federal government is working on securing more funding for Iqaluit’s only Inuktitut daycare which operators said last month is in danger of closing.

Tumikuluit Saipaaqivik Daycare opened 18 years ago as the only childcare facility in Iqaluit providing care in Inuktitut and teaching Inuit culture.

But last month, its operators indicated they don’t have enough funding to continue for much longer.


Nunavut MP Lori Idlout raised the daycare’s struggles in the House of Commons on May 21, asking the Liberal government to ensure Tumikuluit does not “fall through the cracks.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded at the time, promising to look into the issue.

Now, Idlout said “we’ve got the federal government’s attention, the Government of Nunavut, as well as Inuit organizations.”

