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Families to benefit from new child care spaces at SFU-Burnaby

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Government of British Columbia
Publication Date: 
11 Jul 2024


More students and families in Burnaby will have access to affordable and quality child care with 160 additional child care spaces to be created on the local Simon Fraser University campus.

“Access to quality, affordable child care is life changing for families, and we are focused on building spaces where families need them most,” said Rachna Singh, Minister of Education and Child Care. “These additional child care spaces in Burnaby means more children will have a safe space to learn and grow and will provide parents with the opportunity to further pursue their personal goals.”

Renovations of an existing building and the construction of a new building were made possible through $16 million from the ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund. The fund is jointly supported by provincial investments and federal funding under the 2021-2022 to 2025-2026 Canada-British Columbia Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.


Since 2018, ChildCareBC accelerated space creation programs have helped fund the creation of more than 37,000 new licensed child care spaces in B.C., with more than 1,900 of these in Burnaby. Funding the creation of new child care spaces is part of the Province’s goal to build access to affordable, quality, inclusive child care as a core service families can rely on.