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Gov. Gen. Mary Simon announces 83 appointments to Order of Canada

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List includes pop star Avril Lavigne and former Bank of Canada governor Stephen Poloz
Zimonjic, Peter
Publication Date: 
27 Jun 2024


Gov. Gen. Mary Simon has announced 83 appointments to the Order of Canada — a list that includes doctors, activists, artists and economists.

Simon's office announced one new companion — the highest level of the Order of Canada —16 officers, two honorary officers and 64 new members, the introductory honour level in the order. Two of the appointments are promotions within the Order of Canada.

"The Order of Canada recognizes individuals who have made positive and lasting impacts on communities here in Canada, or who have brought honour to our country abroad," the Governor General said in a media statement.

"Congratulations to the new appointees and thank you to the nominators who cast a spotlight on their achievement, purpose and exceptional talent."


Longtime childcare advocate Martha Friendly, who was also made an officer, told CBC News she's "thrilled" and hopes that it draws attention to her life's work.

"I've worked on child care my whole life, my whole career," she said. "I really do think [this honour] recognizes that child care is now an important issue for Canada … This wouldn't have happened five or seven years ago."

