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Project Manitou now slated to include 80 child-care spaces

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Expected to open in 2026, the 347-unit Project Manitou residential building overlooking Downtown Sudbury from the east is well underway and now to include 80 child-care spaces
Clarke, Tyler
Publication Date: 
21 Aug 2024


The 347-unit residential building taking shape on a hill overlooking Downtown Sudbury from the east will now include a child-care centre with 80 spaces. 

The upcoming child-care centre was announced in a media release from Sudbury Liberal MP Viviane Lapointe’s office this week, which provided an update on the project.

Developer Jack Wolofsky said in the media release that they’ve adjusted their plans to address the “urgent need for a central city daycare.”

“This development demonstrates our dedication to enhancing the quality of life for both seniors and families, offering them top-notch care and support in a modern, well-equipped environment,” Wolofsky said of the building, which is geared toward seniors and includes 105 affordable units, defined as 80 per cent of the median market rate. reached out to the developer for insight regarding the child-care units, through whom we received the 80-space figure and clarity that they would be for children of varying ages.

