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Hundreds of new child care spaces creating opportunities for Richmond families

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Ministry of Education and Child Care
government document
Publication Date: 
30 Aug 2024


Access to affordable, quality, and inclusive child care is expanding for families in Richmond as 220 new licensed child care spaces open.

“More families in Richmond will have access to affordable, quality and inclusive child care conveniently located on school grounds, which benefits children, families and the entire community,” said Mitzi Dean, B.C. Minister of State for Child Care. “Parents have told us they want more child care on school grounds and we are delivering.”

These new child care spaces in Richmond were made possible through more than $8.2 million from ChildCareBC New Spaces Fund, which is supported by provincial investments and federal funding under the 2021-22 to 2025-26 Canada-British Columbia Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.
