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New daycare facility in Arctic Bay, Nunavut, coming in 2026

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Qikiqtani Inuit Association has approved $14M funding for the project
Wat, Samuel
Publication Date: 
14 Oct 2024


Arctic Bay, Nunavut, will soon have a child-care facility once again.

At its board of directors meeting, the Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) approved $14 million for the Kakivak Association to build the centre. 

"We all know the communities are getting bigger. We've got to ensure we have a facility that'll be adequate in the future," QIA president Olayuk Akesuk said. 

The new facility will be over 500 metres in size, with an another 200 squares metres of outdoor space, and is expected to accommodate 40 to 50 children and half a dozen staff. The plan is to open in 2026.

It's a similar model to the daycare centre in Sanirajak, Nunavut, where construction has now started. 

Arctic Bay had a daycare facility in the early 2000s, which was operated by two separate organizations that no longer exist. 

Jeremy Tunraluk, chair of Kakivak's board of directors, is confident this project won't fail, because of the different funding available to his organization, and the federal $10-a-day child-care subsidies. 

