children playing

Online Document Catalogue: Child care in the news

Child care in the news is a collection of news articles about ECEC in Canada and abroad. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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California News Time, 17 Jun 2021. United States
Public Health - Columbia University, 14 Jun 2021. United States
UNICEF - Office of Research-Innocenti, 17 Jun 2021. International
Observatoire des tout-petits, 25 May 2021. International
NNSL Media, 16 Jun 2021. Northwest Territories
Edmonton Journal, 16 Jun 2021. Canada
Pursuit, 14 Jun 2021. Australia and New Zealand
The Orca, 8 Jun 2021. British Columbia
Le Devoir, 8 Jun 2021. Quebec
Le Devoir, 14 Jun 2021. Quebec
La Presse, 13 Jun 2021. Quebec