children playing

Early childhood development and population health

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Isuma: Canadian journal of policy research, Vol.1, No.2, Fall 2000
Publication Date: 
1 Oct 2000

Individual articles available in html or pdf

Federal government journal highlights early childhood development. Articles include:

- The case for an early childhood development strategy, by Hertzman, Clyde
- The impact of day care on child development, by Palacio-Quintin, Ercila
- Family income and child well-being, by Ross, David; Roberts, Paul & Scott, Katherine
- The brain may not be the answer, by Kagan, Jerome
- Have early childhood outcomes in New Brunswick improved?, by Willms, J. Douglas
- Readiness to learn at school, by Janus, Magdalena & Offord, Dan
- Changing beliefs to change policy: The Early Years Study, by Mustard, Fraser; McCain & Bertrand, Jane
