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About the OECD Thematic Review of ECEC and Norway's participation:
Invited by the participating countries, OECD expert teams evaluate each country's policy, programs and provision for children from birth to compulsory school age. Prior to the review, participating countries publish a background report describing current policy and practice, and outline the challenges that ECEC policy faces in the coming years. After the expert review, the OECD publishes a country note that discusses the issues observed, and suggests solutions and recommendations for the consideration of the competent authorities.
Norway was the second country to host an OECD review team visit as part of the first round of reviews. Prior to the visit, a background report on ECEC policy in Norway was prepared by the Ministry of Children and Family Affairs. After analysis of the Background Report and other documents, a review team composed of OECD Secretariat members and experts with diverse analytic and policy backgrounds visited Norway from November 30 to December 9, 1998. The Norway country note was published in 1999.