About the OECD Thematic Review of ECEC and Hungary's participation:
Invited by the participating countries, OECD expert teams evaluate each country's policy, programs and provision for children from birth to compulsory school age. Prior to the review, participating countries publish a background report describing current policy and practice, and outline the challenges that ECEC policy faces in the coming years. After the expert review, the OECD publishes a country note that discusses the issues observed, and suggests solutions and recommendations for the consideration of the competent authorities.
Following the terms proposed by the sponsoring ministries, the Country Note for Hungary seeks
a) to place the issues around early childhood provision firmly within the Hungarian context, and in particular, the present economic and EU contexts; b) to review early care and educational policies and practices as they currently meet the needs of Hungarian children and their families. In particular, the Ministry of Education requested the team c) to pay specific attention to the access and progress of Roma children; d) to consider ongoing developments with a critical eye for sustainability and the capacity to go to scale; and e) to make tentative recommendations that would render success more likely, as well as to indicate areas for future effort and emphasis.