Excerpt from the resolution:
WHEREAS the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) was informed on May 9, 2005 that Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) would be leading a Transition Plan to merge the following four Federally-funded programs into one First Nations Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) framework:
- First Nations Inuit Child Care Initiative (FNICCI)
- Aboriginal Head Start On Reserve Program
- Aboriginal Head Start Urban and Northern (North of 60 and Inuit programs only)
- INAC funded day care centres in Alberta and Ontario;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs-in-Assembly mandate the Assembly of First Nations to lobby the federal government for the $100 million to be released to expand and/or enhance Early Childhood programs based on regional First Nations priorities driven by Regional First Nations processes not as a pre-condition or requirement for the merging of existing early childhood programs; and
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Chiefs-in-Assembly direct that the $100 million fund be distributed directly to First Nations communities for direct programming and not be used to subsidize the funding of the regional and national working groups or the current Federal engagement strategy and that adequate additional resources be provided to the AFN and PTOs to support ongoing community consultation and engagement and the preparation of regional action plans.