Excerpts from the report: The Commission on Improving Work Opportunities for Saskatchewan Residents was established to make recommendations to help improve access by part-time and vulnerable workers to job opportunities, employment income and benefits. The Commission has developed a series of recommendations, outlined below, focusing on: low income workers; Aboriginal employment; training and employment; labour legislation; and childcare. [Recommendations regarding] childcare/balancing work and family: - Government raise the gross family income level below which families are eligible for subsidy. Government increase the amount of the subsidy so that approximately 80 per cent of the average cost of childcare is covered. - Government adjust the policy and regulations concerning subsidy eligibility and amount of subsidy to facilitate usage of part-time childcare spaces by vulnerable employees. Institute a number of part-time spaces in licensed child day care centres and family care homes to be advertised for part-time usage. The Child Day Care Branch work with and support selected local childcare centres to better assess the needs of vulnerable workers related to hours of operation. - The Minister of Labour, in consultation with his colleagues, develop a plan for approaching the federal government regarding the matter of inequities within the utilization rates of maternity and parental leave benefits. - The Department of Labour establish work and family balance pilot projects in five workplaces that have significant numbers of low wage, part-time employees. These workplaces will receive a grant for workplace audits, training for supervisors and staff, experimenting with new work arrangements, etc. to assist them to develop policy, practices and workplace culture that is responsive to the needs of employees with family responsibilities.