Excerpts from the report:
Saskatchewan is interested in building a more systematic, child and family focused approach to early learning and child care.
In support of this objective, Rochon Associated Human Resources Management Consulting Inc. was contracted in August 2005 to conduct a sector study "to assess the impact of the licensed child care expansion and to assess the levels of training that are required, as well as how best training could be offered in order to accommodate the needs of adult learners who are working as early childhood educators (ECEs)." Six deliverables were identified as required from this study:
1. A literature review of similar studies and relevant data pertaining to the industry;
2. A human resource and training needs assessment of the licensed child care industry including a training gap analysis for Saskatchewan;
3. Identification of current and future training and retraining needs of new and existing employees and identification of strategies to address these needs;
4. Analysis of trends in movement out of the sector as well as reasons for leaving;
5. Analysis of any opportunities to re-attract trained early childhood educators to the sector, including proposed strategies that would accomplish this; and
6. An analysis of models to provide income support to individuals while in training.
A Labour Market Assessment was later added to this list of deliverables.
The province has clearly stated its intention to support the community based early learning and childcare sector as well as innovative programming that integrates early learning and child care with community and school-based programs and services. The genesis for such work is a qualified and stable workforce. The information presented in this report will no doubt inform how this can best be brought about.