This Self-Assessment Tool was designed to enable early childhood education and care sites to assess and evaluate their program using basic guidelines for quality. The Self-Assessment Tool was first drafted and piloted in Chile and the United States in 2000. Subsequently, the instrument was piloted again in Nigeria, Botswana, China, and additional sites in the United States in 2001.
The Global Guidelines for Early Childhood Education and Care in the 21st Century co-sponsored by the Association for Childhood Education International (A.C.E.I.) and the World Organization for Early Childhood Education (Organisation Mondiale pour L'Éducation Préscolaire: O.M.E.P.) indicate that "every child should have the opportunity to grow up in a setting that values children, that provides conditions for a safe and secure environment, and that respects diversity" (International Symposium of Early Childhood Education and Care in the 21st Century: Global guidelines, 1999, p. 5). The International Symposium was a thoughtful deliberation on the parts of 83 early childhood professionals from countries around the world to operationalize "quality education and care for all children in accordance with each countries own needs, resources, and culture" (Self-Assessment Tool Adapted from the Global Guidelines for the Education and Care of Young Children, 2003)
For further information about the Self-Assessment Tool or to send copies of completed assessments, please contact:
Sue C. Wortham, Ph.D.
2600 FM 3237
Wimberley, Tx 78676, USA