Excerpt from the press release:
The Ontario Municipal Social Services Association (OMSSA) has partnered with the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC) to deliver a report today detailing the importance of upholding the Federal-Provincial Early Learning & Child Care Agreement signed in 2005. The findings of the report were revealed during simultaneous news conferences taking place on both Parliament Hill and Queen's Park.
OMSSA and OCBCC demonstrated through their report that the Conservative Government's Child Care Choice Allowance of $1,200 per child under six years of age and their plan to introduce tax credits to employers and similar supports to non-profit associations to create new spaces is poor fiscal policy, is discriminatory for low and middle income families, and does not promote economic prosperity. The report also highlighted the devastating consequences of cancelling the 2005 Canada-Ontario agreement for Early Learning and Child Care, such as a $1.35 billion cut in funding to Ontario over three years, as well as a loss of 11,000 licensed child care spaces in or near schools.