Project desciption:
Connecting the Voices is an OCBCC project, sponsored by the Laidlaw Foundation, whose goal is to produce a new edition of A Guide to Child Care in Ontario. This new Guide &em; to be published in August 2006 - will include a review of current child care and related policy, barriers to quality care, benefits of child care, legislation, existing services, parental involvement, financing and subsidies, advocacy and the responsibilities of all three levels of government.
What is particularly exciting about this project is that it is including the input, opinions and perspectives of currently excluded communities and designated groups such as lower-income groups, people working shifts or in other irregular working hours, immigrant, rural and First Nations communities, people with disabilities, people of colour and Francophone communities in the new Guide to Child Care in Ontario. This will help ensure that the Guide will include the sources of exclusion in current child care policy and identify some possible solutions that are inclusive for future policy development.
Use the online consultation form to get involved.