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Young children and their services: Developing a European approach

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A Children in Europe discussion paper
Children in Europe Editorial Board
Publication Date: 
1 Dec 2006


Today, across Europe, there is widespread recognition of the need for services for young children and their families. International organisations, including the European Union, different levels of government, social partners, NGOs and many parents call for services. But what services? On what principles and values should they be based? Is this a matter purely for member states at national and local level? Or does more need to be done at an EU level? And, if so, what action is needed? Is there a need for a European approach to services for young children? These questions are addressed in this discussion paper.

Children in Europe is a network of 11 national magazines that have joined together to produce a unique magazine: unique because it is published in 11 European countries and 10 European languages. Children in Europe writes about services for young children and their families, and it is for all people and organisations concerned with these services and children's issues. Children in Europe's aims include the creation of a forum &em; a 'European space' - for the exchange of ideas, practice and information and contributing to the development of policy and practice at European and national levels. This discussion paper, prepared by the Editorial Board of Children in Europe, is intended to stimulate a democratic dialogue about European policy and the need for a European approach to services for young children, and so to support the creation of a European politics of childhood.
