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Early learning standards: Results from a national survey to document trends in state-level policies and practices

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Early Childhood Research and Practoce, Vol. 9 No. 1
Scott-Little, Catherine; Lesko, Jim; Martella, Jana & Milburn, Penny
Publication Date: 
1 May 2007


Early learning standards&emdash;documents that outline what children should know and be able to do before kindergarten entry&emdash;are increasingly common in the United States. Data from a national survey are presented to illustrate trends in how states have developed and implemented early learning standards within the past four years. Results indicate that almost all states have developed early learning standards for prekindergarten-age children, and the number of states that have developed infant-toddler early learning standards has increased markedly. States have used a variety of strategies to support teachers in their use of early learning standards, and a number of states have or are developing monitoring systems to gauge the extent to which programs are using the standards. The authors discuss the implications that trends related to the development and implementation of early learning standards have for early childhood policies and practices, and they discuss areas where further research is needed.
