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People, programs and practices: A training strategy for the early childhood education and care sector in Canada

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Beach, Jane & Flanagan, Kathleen
Publication Date: 
1 Oct 2007

Excerpts from the report:

This report summarizes the results of the Training Strategy Project and proposes a three-part strategy focused

- The people&emdash;expanding the size and capacity of the sector by defining the core roles of early childhood educator and director.
- The programs&emdash;enhancing the quality and consistency of early childhood education post-secondary programs through voluntary accreditation.
- The practices&emdash;enhancing access to, and the effectiveness of, post-secondary education and ongoing professional development through flexible delivery methods.

The strategic model (page ii) illustrates the inter-connectedness of the three components of the strategy. It provides a visual description of how occupational standards serve as the foundation upon which the Training Strategy is built, and highlights the relevance of contextual factors and enabling conditions to the strategy's implementation.

This document it is not intended as a detailed implementation plan. Rather, it puts forward a strategy to help the Child Care Human Resources Sector Council and other key stakeholders address training issues in a coordinated manner.
