In April 2008, Deborah Brennan travelled across Canada on a two-week tour discussing the public and social policy issues associated with the corporatization of child care in Australia. Deborah is a professor of Social Policy at the University of New South Wales, Australia, and expert on the corporatization of child care in Australia.
In her presentation Deborah discussed the situation in Australia and lessons Canada could learn from their experiences. In less than ten years, Australia went from being a country where childcare was mainly provided by the not-for-profit sector to one where commercial childcare operators dominated, and one corporation --ABC Learning -- dominated over one-third of the country's services.
The webcast is of the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of B.C. Annual General Meeting held on April 9, 2008 with Dr. Deb Brennan and Adrienne Montani at the Vancouver Community College. Presentations and the following Q&A are available for viewing.