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Barack Obama's plan for lifetime success through education

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Obama '08
Fact sheet
Publication Date: 
28 Aug 2008


Early childhood education and care will definitely be part of the agenda for the 2008 United States presidential election. Senator Barack Obama flagged the importance of education beginning in early childhood in his acceptance speech on August 28, 2008. The following document is Obama's platform for education and within it his plan for early childhood education and care. Obama believes the "time has come to put children first by focusing investments where research and effective practice tell us we will have the greatest opportunity for long-term success".

Highlights of the early childhood education plan:

• Zero to five plan
Obama's plan will provide critical support to young children and their parents. The plan places key emphasis at early care and education for infants which is expressed as being essential for children to be ready to enter kindergarten. Early Learning Challenge Grants will be created to promote state 'Zero to Five' efforts and help states move toward voluntary, universal preschool.

• Expand Early Head Start and Head Start
Obama will quadruple Early Head Start, increase Head Start funding and improve quality for both.

• Affordable, high quality child care
Obama will also provide affordable and high-quality child care to ease the burden on working families.
