children playing

State of learning in Canada: A year in review

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Canadian Council on Learning
Publication Date: 
30 Mar 2010

Excerpts from the overview:

The 2009-2010 State of Learning in Canada: A Year in Review report provides the most up-to-date information available on Canada's learning landscape, and in the process helps contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of how Canadians are faring as lifelong learners.

As in previous State of Learning reports, this report reflects CCL's vision of learning as a lifelong process. Time and again our research affirms that the skills and knowledge that citizens bring to their families, workplaces and communities help determine a country's economic success and overall quality of life.

It is this core value that continues to guide CCL's research and our commitment to fostering a learning society in which all members can develop their full potential as active, engaged learners and contributing members of their community.

This report adopts a life-course approach, beginning with data related to learning in the early childhood years and school-based education through to the formal and informal learning of adults.

