children playing

Taking action against poverty: Supporting education and building Canada through the elimination of child poverty

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Canadian Teachers' Federation
Publication Date: 
20 Apr 2010

Link to brief no longer available

Excerpts from the brief:

The Canadian Teachers' Federation urges all Parliamentarians to support a coordinated effort to reduce and eliminate child poverty in Canada.

This coordinated effort should be focused along three main areas of action:
- Family Income
- Housing
- Educational Opportunity

Strategies and policy recommendations that could have a positive impact on inequitable educational opportunities linked to family socio-economic status and ensure that all children are better provided for, should include but not be limited to:

- Increased minimum wage;
- Expansion of eligibility for Employment Insurance;
- Major investment in social housing;
- Improved accessibility and affordability of post-secondary education and training;
- Inclusion of child and youth services as part of federal/provincial/territorial agreements concerning immigrants and refugees;
- Funding for First Nations child welfare agencies to deliver in-home support and prevention services to First Nations children and their families;
- A universal child care system providing dedicated funding for high quality care and early intervention and school-readiness initiatives for all children.
