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Child care report card: Harper's score 'unsatisfactory'

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Code Blue for Child Care
Press release
Publication Date: 
19 Apr 2011

Text of the press release:

A report card grading the Canada-wide parties' child care election promises says Stephen Harper and his Conservatives are unwilling to learn and should develop active listening skills around parents' needs for reliable, high quality child care.

The report card, produced by the Code Blue for Child Care campaign, takes Harper to task for the lack of any plan to create and fund a range of good early childhood education and care services and improved parental leave.

"If child care were a course and the Conservatives were in the classroom, they would stand out for their lack of interest and unwillingness to contribute ideas," says Shellie Bird. "While we found there was room for improvement with the other Canada-wide parties, they at least did their homework, and got some good scores and made commitments to universal child care."
