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A tale of two Canadas: Implementing rights in early childhood

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Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada and Coalition of Child Care Advocates BC
Publication Date: 
3 Mar 2011

Excerpts from the report:

So, how is Canada doing at protecting the rights of young children? To what extent does public policy in Canada recognize the social and economic changes and challenges facing families today? This paper explores two fundamentally different answers to this question which, together, tell A Tale of Two Canadas.

On the one hand, both federal and provincial governments suggest in their public reports that the measures they are taking to support young children and their families are generally adequate. For those families that may be struggling, governments indicate that (1) they're doing as much as they can and (2) conditions are improving over time.

On the other hand, the evidence paints a different reality. The fact is that Canada's public support for young children and their families is the weakest among the world's rich countries, such that Canada's policies and investments fall far short of the commitments made under multiple agreements.

