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Latino decisions / Asian American decisions / Center for American Progress poll of African American and Latina women shows concern about economic security and support for policy to address the concern (U.S.)

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Center for American Progress
Publication Date: 
5 Aug 2016



A major new poll commissioned by the Center for American Progress shows the acute concerns of women of color about their economic security and their strong support for a broad set of policies to address those concerns. The CAP poll interviewed African American and Hispanic women in four likely battleground states - Colorado, Florida, Nevada, and Virginia - on a broad range of issues related to economic well-being, bias and equity in the workplace, and various policies aimed at providing greater work-family balance and greater economic security. The survey finds that economic issues, often together with unique barriers related to their race and ethnicity, are front and center in the minds of African American and Latina women as they think about the coming elections.
